Going strong and going on... This is our last call for your support in our effort to support Alta Bates NICU families who--in addition to having their child in the hospital--are facing financial difficulties.
To those who have donated or supported us otherwise: "Thank You!" If you have not yet donated, please consider doing so. Especially during this current economic downtown, many families need assistance in order to buy essentials such as a child car seat, crib, and diapers. Details on how you can donate are at the end of this message.
The delivery of the check by Loki Sky and his NICU Friends ambassador Mascha is set for Thursday December 29th. Both Family Advisory Council President Rob and FAC member Melissa will be there to receive the check.
Melissa and her son Sam were featured in this beautiful Alta Bates Summit Medical Center Ad:
Please read this story of two little miracles: Alexandra and Gabriella.
"Our tiny daughters had the rockiest start of any child ever born. From the very beginning we were told, 'Two steps forward, one step back.' But we still had no idea how long and arduous that journey would actually be.
"The three months our daughters were in the NICU were full of challenges, hopes, and dreams. We watched them struggle to learn how to breathe, recover from heart surgery, learn how to suck, swallow, and breathe, fight infections (meningitis and ecoli), stare death in the face numerous times and survive. As each one of these issues began to resolve itself, we began to see light at the end of the NICU tunnel. Under the ever so watchful nurses, we began to learn how to care for our daughters and to relish in the joy of a gained pound or milestone met. When our daughters were discharged we felt confident in the knowledge that they were going to be okay, and that they were ready to begin life in the outside world.
"After seven years, our daughters continue to do well. They are happy and thriving. They love to draw and play dress-up. It is so exciting watching them read and do schoolwork. Seven years ago we never thought they would do so well.
"We owe all of this to the amazing care our daughters received in the NICU. Every nurse and doctor will always hold a special place in our hearts."
Happy Holidays to all!
Please consider supporting our efforts:
Internet: Please go to http://www.paypal.com and use a credit card or Paypal account to send money to XXXXX. Be sure to note "Holiday Fund" in the comments.
US: Please mail checks in name of: XXXX. Please write “Holiday Fund” in the memo.
NL: Maak geld over op rekening XXXX o.v.v. “Holiday Fund”
Deadline: Donations accepted until Tuesday the 27th of December.
Delivery: Our check will be handed over to the NICU during the NICU in the week after Christmas. Photos and stories will be shared as usual.
Thank you very much for your help!
Loki Sky and his NICU Friends
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