Soon a little bit more about all the exciting new skills Loki is mastering. For now just a few photos to demonstrate.
All of a sudden leaning on his arms, holding his neck up while looking around:
Very proud mommy:
Simon’s 2019 Funnies
5 years ago
wow!! Loki is sure looking curious and strong... Lijn, you also look so cute in your head wrap - you and Loki are both matching with read outfits. The look of love in your eyes for him is so sweet...
thanks!! How are you sweety?
Hey lookin good! I check on Loki's progress every other day. He is getting big and strong. Can't wait to meet him!
Super!! Super!! Super!! Wat zul je trots zijn! Je schreef het al, in dit soort dingen zou hij wel eens sneller kunnen zijn dan andere kinderen, uitgaande van de gecorrigeerde leeftijd. Flo kon met 3 maanden nog niet zo hoog komen (die was daarin ook ietwat langzaam hoor). Het is zo leuk als ze dit kunnen! Erg leuk om te zien zo samen.
X Maaike
Adorable! His face is really rounding out, too! All that good breast milk, parental love, and fresh air/sunshine. It's wonderful to see him growing and advancing. Keep up the good work Mom and Dad.
Happy five-month birthday Mr Loki-Doki-Artichokey!
Knuffels to keep growing on,
Nurse Janet
Deze moet je echt aan de muur hangen 60 bij 50 ofzo!
xx Kier
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