Today, Loki is undergoing minor surgery in order to swap out his old button for a Mic-Key. The advantage of the new type is that the type can lock in. We look forward to not dealing with it popping off, and/or needing to use tape to keep it in. He will have to go under general anesthesia to get the old one out via his esophagus, but no cutting will be necessary. He should come home this evening.
Mom is taking care of this on her own, and may be joined by Kyra in the recovery room. I need to work today.
Update (6:44 PM PST): Mom, Loki, and Kyra are on their way home. They had to wait four hours before the surgery even began! But other than that, all is well, as far as I know. Recovery was "super speedy."
Simon’s 2019 Funnies
5 years ago
Luckily this is not a 'real' surgery and I have no doubt it will go smoothly. I hope that Loki will bounce back quickly from yet another anesthesia, and that the new Mic-Key will make your life easier.
Thinking of you.
Hugs, Mascha
Hey Ho Loki,
Hope you feel good. Big hug, tante Marieke XX
hope it makes things easier for him and especially for you
Goed o te horen. Hoop dat hij inderdaad weinig naweeen heeft van de narcose en dat de Mic-key voor hem en jullie gaat doen wat hij moet doen.
X Maaike
It sure is good to hear that everything went well will the placement of the surgery. And hopefully the Mic-key suits its purpose well. That should be more convenient for all of you.
Love and take care.
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