As exciting as yesterday was during the day, in the evening and today throughout the day we have been presented with some bumps in the road.
During the day Loki's settings on the oxygen he needed were higher than usual. Although this in and of itself does not necessarily provide information, I (Mom) did not feel comforted when the nurses told me he was doing fine. Something did not feel right, despite the fact I was still a little bit on a high from holding him, and I still am! In the evening primary nurse Amber told us Loki did not seem to be his old self; he did not seem to feel well. Throughout the evening he had more and more bradies and desats. Thanks to Amber's quick response, a series of actions were undertaken to figure out what could be causing this change.
Unfortunately Loki has a staph infection, often caused by a bacterium on the skin, which easily can get inside the body due to many blood draws etc. In addition to having had a hemoglobin and platelet transfusion and two antibiotics to deal with the infection, he also had another brain ultrasound to make sure the representation of symptoms was not caused by a brain hemorrhage. Fortunately, this came back good. In fact, the little bleed in the germinal matrix noticed in the beginning seemed to have almost disappeared.
Also, as his last blood gas test did not come back as good as expected, he had another chest x-ray, and they found his lungs were not expanding as much as they like to see. This could be caused by being sick, or maybe they changed the vent settings a little more quickly than he could handle. In any regards, they changed the settings so that he has a little more help expanding his lungs while breathing. In the morning they will do some more blood work to make sure that his kidney is functioning okay, with all the medication in his body. Poor little guy!!!
Of course the past 24 hours have been exhausting, scary and sad. It is difficult to see Loki go through all these procedures and changes. He is such a tiny, little, handsome munchkin. However, we feel so blessed with the nurses he has. Both Margaret and Amber so clearly know our little guy, and seeing them being so attuned to what is happening with him, gives a lot of faith and comfort.
We know Loki is a strong fighter and he will get past this, but a few extra prayers wouldn't hurt.
Hopefully tomorrow we can take a step forward again!
Simon’s 2019 Funnies
5 years ago
we have been following your story the whole time. we are sending you huge love and lots of hugs to help you get through this challenging time. stay strong! much love to all 3 of you.
much love,
rachel, bryan, & jadyn
Hi to you all (Kathalijn, Jesse, Loki and Heleen)": This sure feels like a bump, but the prayers and energies keep on coming.
Frits (still jet lagged).
Prayers and positive energy being sent to each of you... love, Dre & J
My prayers continue to be with you especially tonight. May Loki receive additional support, protection, and strength as he moves through this bump. Much love. Christina
Lieve Loki misses mama! Hang in there little dude, hope you can hang with your parents again soon, unlimitedly.
Love, Kyra
Lieve Loki en mama en papa,
Yes, another bumb. What a great response from the nurses, Loki is indeed in very good hands!! Come on little dude, your candle is burning and we are thinking of you. There will be another good day coming up! Marieke en Martin
Lieve Loki, Kathalijn, Jesse en Heleen,
Hopelijk gaat het vandaag weer wat beter met het kleine mannetje!
Wij kwamen zojuist thuis en vonden een berichtje van Frits op de voicemail. Hij had het niet over verontrustende berichten, dus kan ik daar hopelijk uit afleiden dat het weer wat beter gaat......
We leven met jullie mee.
This must be very difficult to watch him go through. I empathize with you being scared, and at the same time I am so glad that you have all the wonderful staff in the NICU.
Extra big loving hugs.
Lieve Kathalijn en Jesse. Ik ben met Frits bij Paula en wij hebben op het scherm jullie zoon Loki gezien en ik vond het zo indrukwekkend en zo lief om te zien. Ik ben blij dat ik hiervan ook nog getuige mag zijn, en ik wens jullie en het allerbeste en veel steun voor de komkende tijd. Maar alles komt goed. Veel liefs van Oma, of eigenlijk overgrootmoeder Mertens.
Lieve help, wat een spannende tijd! Goede gedachten en liefdevol licht gaan de oceaan weer over naar mama Lijn, papa Jesse en kleine, sterke Loki.
Circe, Richard, Sosse, Meike en Jermo
Arm mannetje! Heel veel wensen van mij om weer helemaal gezond te worden, Loki!
He three 'lieverds', what a wonderful moment that must have been Lijn and Loki, you two united again! Mum an dad, it must be such an intensive maybe unreal experience for you these last weeks. I remember Kyra said after her first childs birth, she now had 'zorg met een hoofdletter Z' I can only imagine how ZORG for you must have all but capital letters. I pray for Loki to get over his bumps soon and well, to continue growing and growing and growing, as Jesse said, something like 2% a day...
Heel heel veel liefs en een hele dikke knuffel voor jullie drieen van Steffi met tranen van ontroering
Lieve Kathalijn en Jesse,
Heel veel geluk en liefde wens ik jullie met de lieve kleine Loki.Het is erg ontroerend om de video's, foto's en berichten op de site te zien en te lezen.
Loki maakt op mij de indruk van een vechter!
Voor hem chant ik Nam-myoho-renge-kyo dit betekent de universele kracht van het leven, die wens ik hem toe. Ik ben boeddhist en dit is onze meditatie. Veel liefs voor jullie en ook voor Heleen mijn allerliefste vriendin!
Happy Third Week B-Day, Loki!
from Nurse Janet
Dear Kathalijn and Jesse,
Unfortunately, this is a downhill part of the rollercoaster ride that I mentioned to you both during those first few days that I took care of Loki. We always expect a few infections or other "downhills" on the route to home. That's simply routine for premies. The good news is that antibiotics almost always work quickly. How lucky for Loki that he has two loving parents and two great primaries that are so in tune with his well-being.
Extra prayers and thoughts with you all----always.
Nurse Janet.
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