Loki has grown to 890 grams, which is just shy of 2 American pounds. That is about 10% behind average, at least for a fetus. His blood cultures are still coming back positive for the staph infection - at least form yesterday's blood - but they have been negative for yeast. He is still getting two different antobiotics.
His respirator settings are low for pressure and breaths per minute, but still a bit high for oxygen concentration, around 30 to 35%. This appears to be related to all the handling he's been getting. He just wants to be left alone!
The handling included an attempt o get spinal fluid that failed, and a heart echo scan. The latter indicated that the infection has not affected his heart, and that his PDA heart murmur has indeed completely closed. Loki's feedings are being increased from 5 to 6 mL per session, which is also a sign of recovery.
Simon’s 2019 Funnies
5 years ago
yummie, thats a lot of food little Loki! Lots of good news and few less good nieuws, you are very beautifulland cute and your mom and dad are superparents! Big hug for everybody.
ik mail je straks meer, ga even oefenen hoe het moet
liefs Greet
lieve ouders, lieve Loki, wat een lief mannetje, wat spannend allemaal, ik lees elke dag en brand kaarsjes voor jullie. veel liefs van Greet
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