Loki remains on the new SiPAP machine instead of the respirator. At first, things did not look good. But the indications improved over the course of the day. The oxygen concentration was reduced from the 60% area to around 40%, and the frequency of brady arrhythmias and desaturations decreased. It seems that he does better with a (tiny) pacifier. And even if he does have to back on the respirator, if we can get 48 hours away from it, it will be a valuable break for him.
Loki's weight increased quite a bit, to 941 grams. That's 2 American pounds plus one ounce. Some of this is likely water weight, which he could lose. He may even be given a diuretic drug to help him in that process.
Loki is tolerating touch, but is does not like light and sounds. There is now a sign on the door to keep things quiet. It really seems to help, as he just wants to sleep.
Simon’s 2019 Funnies
5 years ago
Hey mom and dad, just checking in with you guys and letting you know that I'm thinking about the tree of you. Loki is so beautiful and everyone here at the Rehberg house are so happt that he is a two pounder now. Pretty soon he will be normal weight and home!! hang in there, good thoughts to you all. Dee
Lieve mom, dad and Loki,
I'm sure Loki did ok in the end without the respirator because of your love! Hope Loki can be held more often and grow bigger and bigger. Big hug and klein kusje voor Loki
wat een lief klein mannetje,heerlijk dat het zo goed gaat lieve groeten van Diny en Piet
dear mom and dad,
here in Holland we are really pleased to hear that Loki is holding on and getting en little bit bigger. Its great to hear Mariek, being proud as she is, about little Loki. She is so proud to be an aunt and cant stop bying presents! We're pretty close to her and wanted you to know that we care and think about you three to.
love Thomas Annette (mirre and Jette), Nijmegen. All the best!
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