Today Loki has 31 weeks of total development, inside Mom and outside. He has gained weight for five days in row now, and is at approximately 1220 grams (2 lbs + 11 oz). Loki had a brief eye examination. Although it is too early to see if he will have ROP, everything looked good. The occupational therapist also stopped by for a quick, informal physical examination. Loki's habit of holding his hands near his face is a positive sign.
I leave tomorrow for the Netherlands. The trip was arranged long before the early, unexpected birth. The primary purpose is to go to a pair of conferences for work, so it was not possible to move the dates. While there, I will visit many friends and (in-law) family. I will certainly miss Mom and Loki. Hopefully, he will grow so fast that I won't recognize him on my return! Of course, I'll be reading the blog and checking for photos and videos.
Simon’s 2019 Funnies
5 years ago
Hey mom and dad. Loki is doing great, he's growing fast now! Good to hear that his eyes seem fine, we hope that the problems of his lungs will not be to big in the future.
Dad, it's so weird that you have to go abroad, and not seeing Loki and support your wife. But we are looking forward to see you! Mom, houd je taai en veel succes. Ook voor jou zal het niet makkelijk zijn, maar doe het wel rustig aan! Hoe beter jij je voelt, hoe beter Loki zich voelt. Succes!
Kus Maaike
Waauw! Now Loki seems to be growing faster and faster. His condition is very good. And we're looking forward to and glad to see Jesse tomorrow.
Heleen and Frits
Steady grow is fantastic, and an optimistic feedback on the eyes even more so. Very glad to hear this.
Dad, have a great trip. Hopefully you can enjoy seeing friends and family, even missing your own little family here. Mom, if you need any quick help with anything, I am around the corner.
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