Saturday, December 27, 2008

Video: Loki's bath

Here's a compilation of four clips of Mom giving Loki a bath for the first time. He responded quite well. You may notice that things don't look quite right in his manly area. That's the result of his hernia, which will probably require a minor surgery in a couple months. Also, you'll see that he we gave him some oxygen via a mask about each minute. Not only did he not have his typical breathing help (cannula or CPAP), but he didn't even have his blood oxygen saturation sensor on. Thus, we couldn't easily tell if he was desatting.


Anonymous said...

WOW, Jesse & Kathalijn!! I'm really, really impressed! Loki looks so much biger, in his even bigger rompertje!! And he is zo awake.

Wonderful to see him like this.

Greetz Inge (Maaike's sister)

marieke said...

What a great start of my day! Like Inge said, he is so awake. Does he still fits in the preemie rompertjes? I thought he was wearing my white outfit size 44, is that correct? Probably the legs are way to long. It must be so nice to take care for him more and more. You do so well! Big hug, X

Anonymous said...

WOW, I'm totally impressed and in (positive) shock!! I couldn't read the blog for two days, but I missed a lot! What a great suprise that Loki is out of the isolet and is lying in a crib. The video is awesome. Loki looks so big and he seems to be so aware. It must be so wonderfull to be able to do more and more caretaking tasks yourself. Ofcourse mom is a natural and dad has to learn, but you have time.
Thank you Kyra for your wonderfull words, I think you said what we all believe. Daar sluit ik me graag bij aan (don't know how to translate this in English?).
Now I really have to think of Flo in his first weeks. His weight was 2500 grams and his length about 47 cm. He was so tiny, we thought. Now Loki is almost his size and he is so big! The moment of going home is coming closer and closer, but is still a long ride. So we will be keeping track of Loki's everyday life and support you through our comments. Lots of kusjes, Maaike

Anonymous said...

Wat geweldig jongens, dat hij nu al zover is! Prachtig om te zien wat een mooie, gelukkige moeder je bent, lijntje, ondanks de vermoeidheid en het dwingende dag- en nachtritme. Van Loki word ik helemaal week. De manier waarop hij naar je kijkt en het bad beleeft. Dat kleine krummeltje, zoals hij met grote verwondering het badgebeuren ondergaat.... Ontroerend! Het wordt steeds moeilijker om zo ver weg te zijn. En niet gewoon even binnen te kunnen wippen. Maar héél lang zal het hopen we niet meer duren voor wij onze kleinzoon kunnen vasthouden. Heel veel liefs voor jullie alledrie! Oma Heleen & Opa Frits

Suzan said...
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Suzan said...

Ontroerende foto's en filmpje...

Johan, Suzan en Phileine

Mascha said...

How wonderful and beautiful to see a family picture without all the tubes and wires. He is in a crib!!! Merry Christmas, indeed. Could there be a better gift in the current situation?
He looks so content during the bath, not stressed at all, and nice and pink. What a gigantic improvement. He is incredible, and so are you, mom and dad. Your love and care is giving him all he needs to grow so beautifully. Doesn't it feel more and more like being 'normal' parents, finally doing something as ordinary as giving a bath?
I am so happy for you.

(This is not to minimize the extraordinary care of the Alta Bates NICU nurses!)

Have a very peaceful start into 2009.

Much love and big hugs.

Anonymous said...

Hallo lieve pappie en mammie van loki,

wij hebben even niet gekeken en Loki is veranderd in een reus! Wat fijn om een minireus te hebben. Maar hoe gek dat je altijuid zoveel herrie hebt, moet wel stil voor hem worden als hij straks gewoon thuis zal zijn. Het was zo te zien echt een heel fijne Kerst. Wat een ongelofelijk wonder he?

xx Kier

About Loki Sky

Loki Sky is a special little man. He was a very early micropreemie, weighing only 610 grams (1 lb, 5 oz) after 24 weeks, 3 days gestation, born to an American Father and a Dutch Mother in Berkeley, California on October 18, 2008.

On January 11, 2009, while still in the hospital NICU, his one kidney stopped working. It was repaired after three surgeries. After spending time in three hospitals in three cities, Loki came home on February 17. He struggled with eating, and then stopped in July, leading to 8 days in the hospital, a failure-to-thrive diagnosis, and a NG feeding tube. On October 10, a minor surgery installed a G feeding tube. Another procedure replaced it with a new one, and then again with a Mic-Key button in Jan. 2010.

In August 2010, he and his parents moved to the Netherlands.

Read about his first name.
Read & hear about his middle name.
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