As you can see the numbers of the days do not really line up exactly. Somehow, somewhere I started making a mistake and got a few days behind in numbering the posts. I often write my posts after my first nap of the night, which means it is written on the next day. In general my brain does not function that well anymore, and specifically, well..... it is 2:00 am in the morning. What do you expect?
So, for the people who are focused on those kinda numbers, today is the morning of day 62, and I am writing about day 61. It is Loki's two month birthday, today today I mean, not day 61 about which I am writing :-) We will celebrate with a drop of breast milk and a bradie! It was so fun practicing breastfeeding again today and Loki indeed latched on a few times over our two sessions. However, when he did get some milk out, he bradied and desatted. Fortunately this is totally to be expected as he has not developed a suck-swallow-breathe coordination yet. It is so amazing though, seeing this little guy suck away on my breast, knowing that this will be his main source of nutrition in not too long!
Loki maintained the same weight over night although to me his legs looked chunkier again. He is clearly growing into his outfits. In fact, Santa left a wonderful new outfit for him, which we will try on today or tomorrow for a photo shoot. Thank You so very much Margaret!! We love it! For those who wonder, we do not just put Mr. Sky in clothes for photos and fun! In preparation of moving on to an open crib he is on regular air in the isolet, which means he needs clothes to keep him warm. We may as well dress him up cute right?
We moved rooms as well on day 61. This is quite a big deal as we have been in the same room for the first two months. I believe I have said before this is pretty rare, as kids usually get moved around quite a bit. Everybody was worried I would get upset, I guess my requests for having my primaries work shifts when our little dudy was so sick has given me a reputation. To all NICU staff: I am sorry! I Certainly do not mean to be a pain in the behind, but I do love Loki's primary nurses! And with being in the NICU for possibly as long as four months, some consistency is really important. Anywho, the change of scenery is appreciated by both Loki and me. Weird though that I already look back at our previous room with nostalgia. Our little guys is getting so big! He is now a level 2 baby, which means he is in assignments with 1 nurse and 3 babies. Amazing.
Finally, dad is still not feeling completely well. This makes our happiness of seeing one another very difficult to celebrate, as we usually stay a few feet away from one another. I wash my hands constantly, and spray the house with Lysol disinfectant spray several times a day. He has not seen Loki yesterday (day 61) as several of the nurses and doctors have made it clear that a sore throat is just not done in the NICU. One needs to figure out if strep throat is the cause or not, because babies can get very, very sick. It is sometimes hard to deal with the fact that Loki is as fragile as he is, and to most of you this all may seem exaggerated. Unfortunately with his damaged lungs and compromised immune system it can be really dangerous for a possibly sick person to come in. So, fun and loving is not the way to describe our situation right now. Hopefully this phase will pass soon. And be prepared, until Loki is a few years old, we have to be extremely cautious taking him to places with many people and germs. I really never thought I would be paranoid about germs, because I never have been. However, with this little guy's health depending on it as much as it does, I have turned into to quite the germ hunter. Unfortunately I have to!
Simon’s 2019 Funnies
5 years ago
Lieve Lijn,
Ik heb bewondering voor je. Wat een beproevingen! En ondanks alles toch blijven geloven in je kleine mannetje. Je weet trouwens: vooral 'snachts zijn wij heeeel goed bereikbaar.
x Kier
Och Lijntje toch, wat een toestand nou! Jammer en heel vervelend voor jullie allemaal. Laten we hopen dat het snel over gaat! Zorg vooral goed voor je zelf hè? We zullen wat extra energie sturen ( met een vleugje lysol, je weet dat ik gek ben op lysolwipes(:)!
Sterkte, beterschap en heel veel liefs voor jullie allemaal.
PS: Loki's slaapzakken zijn onderweg.
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