Loki has another day that was not bad, but not good either. Again, he seemed a bit fussier and less feisty than usual. The nurse claims he lost 50 grams, but I am skeptical about that.
It is good to be back and see Mom and the little man. While I was gone, he made a distinct jump in his appearance. He now looks like a real baby, only smaller.
Simon’s 2019 Funnies
5 years ago
Really wonderfull pictures of grandson Loki! Let's hope - and I'm sure he will- he will catch up on his weightloss tomorrow. Then he'll be even a BIGGER BOT, then!
Love & Kisses & hugs for you all!
opa Frits.
Dear sweet family,
What a lovely boy you have! Heleen was here today and showed me your site and some pictures of the little big man. I wish you all the best and will light a candle for Loki.
Big kiss, Inge van der Heijden.
Dear Loki,
We are all reading your blog daily and wishing all the good things for you.. We feel bad to have our hands tied of not being with you and not helping Daddy and Mommy.. But we all live with you daily..
Love from Istanbul
Erkmen, Ozlem, Pamir en Ceylin
Lieve Loki,
Lots of sleep and cuddling will probably give you the energy to feel completely well. From all over the world good vibrations are coming into your isolet:-)
kleine knuffel voor jou van je tante XX
I'm still checking in on you every day! Sending you love and strength! Extra special prayers are with you while you go through this lil bump. I'm around if you need some extra hands even over the holidays...
With Love,
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