Finally dad felt better today as he got up in the morning. He looked better and seemed in a much better mood. That makes a lot of sense if you think about his life over the past few days. Since coming back from Holland he more or less lived in the guest room. He was able to see Loki and was pretty impressed with how big he is now. After his visit to the hospital we went out for some dinner and were able to catch up on his visit to Holland, a little bit. I am sure there is much more to tell. After dinner, well.... since we were walking right by the hospital I wanted to say goodnight to Loki again.
Loki had an okay day. He still seemed a little tired and looked a bit pale compared to the day before. He did not need much oxygen though and stayed close to 21% for most of the time I was there, except for when I held him for the second time. I do believe he likes cuddling up, but the second time around he has a little bit less tolerance. Especially when he starts digesting his big boy feeding of 34 ml. His tummy still hurts and the cries are becoming louder and sadder. Usually when he is put on his surf board on his stomach he feels better.
Loki is such a cutie, laying all passed out with his mouth open! I can't wait to cuddle him just whenever..... not when the schedule allows too. Oh well, just a few more pounds, a few more independent breathes, a few more ml's of milk and we will get there!
Simon’s 2019 Funnies
5 years ago
I,m so happy dad is feeling better! Now he can maybe soon hold Loki. Great you went out for dinner together. Loki is a cutie, I can tell because I saw him for 6 days and hold my hand on his little tummie. He is so tiny but chubbie and can cry very well with just that soft sound. Amazingly how strong he is. When mom takes his temperature or changes his diaper, his arms are going everywhere and he tries to push mom away. In his blankets all swaddled up, he is like a cattarpillar. I am very happy I made the short trip, would not have missed it for gold. (Dutch expression). Love X
Good to hear Loki is doing better, although I'm never too worried about him. He is such a fierce ruling little prince! I won't be able to check in for a week or so since I am going to chill out in Belgium, but I wanted you two a big christmas hug and a little one for Loki. Make sure you enjoy it and have a glass of wine from me (or 2, you know I am generous :-). Love xox, Fransje.
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