Loki Sky weighed in at 1450 grams today and he looks so big. However, I have to say though that the photos are deceptive. He is much bigger than he was, but he still is very, very tiny. He basically looks like a mini chubby baby. The clothes he is wearing look like small baby doll clothes. It is odd though, I cannot even imagine anymore how tiny he was after birth. I saw a baby today who looked so extremely small to me, that I told the social worker the baby was even smaller than Loki when he was born. She brought me back to reality explaining she thought this baby was bigger. Indeed, she was right, the tiny baby weighs 900 grams. 290 grams more than Loki when he just came into this world. I was absolutely blown away, because this itty bitty little new baby looked like the smallest human being I have ever seem. Apparently parents forget very quickly, and photos really don't show, so an actual reality check is absent. I bet it is a helpful trick of the mind to protect ones self.
Any way, Loki is growing and looks like a little giant. He is sprinting on the nasal cannula twice a day for an hour, and does well, as long as he is not eating. He has had two good days, with lots of sleep and less interference. In addition, he has gone up to 28 ml of fortified milk every three hours. No surprise he is growing into a mini giant right now.
It is wonderful to have my sister here. I am so proud to show off Loki and in addition, I hadn't seen her in almost a year. It is a brief visit, but fortunately she will be back in March with her boyfriend for another visit. Weird to think they planned that trip to visit a newborn Loki at that point in time. He is still almost two months away from his due date, even though this amazing little creature already has been in our lives for two months tomorrow. Life is full of surprises sometimes!
Simon’s 2019 Funnies
5 years ago
So much good news! You are all in my thoughts and I am so glad Loki is continuing to do so well. I will be back on 1/24/09 and will be having surgery on 1/27/09. I plan to stay there and recover and then head back to WI around 2/4/09. I hope I will be up to seeing him while I am there, or at least talk to you by phone! Happy Holidays!! Jennifer
Dear Loki,
You look even more knap without that silly CPAP machine!!! Keep practicing and making your little lungs stronger. Soon you'll be solely on the cannula. And, I'm very impressed by the 3 lbs mark. You ARE a mini giant.
Nurse Janet
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