Today Loki took a dramatic turn. By the evening, it became clear that something was wrong: His temperature was low all day long, he had been he was absolutely not breastfeeding one bit, he was sweaty and puffy, he was not peeing, and his weight gain was a bit too much. Fortunately, Mom and Nurse Amber were quite observant, and Nurse Margaret stopped by on her break from a shift in labor and delivery. Everyone agreed that something simply wasn’t right.
The blood tests were difficult, as it clotted (turned solid) very vast, but did indicate that his blood sugar and sodium were very low, and that his potassium was high. This suggests that his kidney (he has only one) has shut down, probably in response to a urinary tract infection. An ultrasound revealed that he was accumulating fluid in his abdomen. Thus, he has symptoms both of dehydration, and too much hydration. The fluid is just in the wrong location. He is on a urinary catheter, which is quite difficult and unpleasant to imagine for such a little guy. The staff would like to run a culture on his urine, but he has essentially not peed for eight hours or so.
Getting the IV in his vein was quite a task and then keeping it in was even harder. His sweaty skin made it difficult. On one hand, he cried very loudly while being poked. This makes it a very different experience from when he had an infection in the early weeks, when he was unable to make sounds of protest. On the other hand, he is quite a strong trooper. When the poking ended, he was quick to stop crying. And throughout all this mess, surprisingly, his nasal cannula breathing support remained at 21% oxygen (regular atmospheric level) at the new low flow rate of two liters per minute. The cannula even slipped off, unnoticed, for at least ten minutes without a problem. Yet normally, oxygen needs go up quickly during an infection.
So now, he is receiving dextrose (D10) and a mild sodium solution (lactate ringer) via his IV to raise his blood sugar and sodium. A new round of tests is occurring this hour, and hopefully that will provide some information as to which antibiotic to begin using. He is not being fed for now because his is keep his fluid. And what's worse, he is being kept at a slightly lower temperature so that he does not become sweaty and his IV slip off.
Mom is quite exhausted, having woken at 5:30 AM the last two mornings in order to pump and then try to get Loki to breastfeed at 8 AM. We will be sleeping here at the hospital.
Our baby shower is tomorrow afternoon. We intend to go ahead with it, although the timing is strange. We will celebrate Loki, and honor his strength during this tough time.
Simon’s 2019 Funnies
5 years ago
O, dear dad, mom and Loki.
Another ,new candle is burning and we have our fingers crossed all day. This is another big hobbel for you. Loki is very strong and he will be better, we are sure!! Mom and the nurses are so great in observing Loki. Very good job.
Big hug and strenght for you, Marieke and Martin
Dear Lijn,
I think of you and you're man and little loki.
And a little more today...
Hope Loki is doing better Tomorrow.
Sweet and beautiful boy!
Wish I could hug you all.
Kiss Gam
Och arme Loki! Och, lieve Pappie en Mammie. Wat een nare ervaring toch weer... Zo knijp je je in je handen van geluk en zo worden er weer allerlei angsten bewaarheid. Helaas heb ik nog geroepen dat Loki wel graag aandacht wilde hebben, maar dat meende ik niet hoor, mannetje. Je krijgt genoeg aandacht zo. Tjonge. Nou, ik hoop dat je - geen feestje of wel - even een hoop knuffels krijgt van mensen papa en mama, want dit is zoo niet fijn!
Dikke knuffels, hang in there. Kyra
O,o - onze kleine held maakt het nu wel heel spannend....één ding is zeker: er gaat (weer) van alle kanten energie naar jullie toe. Heb vertrouwen! Loki heeft een speciale beschermengel en het is geen toeval dat juist vandaag de babyshower wordt gehouden. Niet afblazen hoor!
Heel veel sterkte, en zorg vooral goed voor jezelf. Dat is ook voor Loki van belang.
Dikke kus en veel liefs!
I am so sorry to hear about this turn. How stressful for all of you. Hopefully Loki will get over this infection fast - strong little guy he is. If he can handle the air pressure oxygen while being so sick, I am very confident he will be recovering soon and will be on his way to growing to a normal new born.
All the best and hugs full of love for you. See you later.
Hey Loki! Fight this infection, like you did before! I'm confident you will. And mom and dad, I hope you'll have a nice babyshower with lots of goods vibrations going Loki's way. Anyway, lots of our good vibrations go his way.
Love to you all, Frits.
In Almere brandt Loki's kaarsje weer! We denken aan jullie.
Naomi en Stefan
Oh wat een schrik weer. Het zou een bumpy ride worden, maar het ging zo goed en dan wordt je vertrouwen weer ineens zo op de proef gesteld. Wij denken nu nog harder aan jullie dan normaal!! We hopen dat de babyshower doorgaat, in zo'n periode is positieve energie altijd goed!
Liefs, Maaike, Richard en Flo
Loki, Flo heeft vandaag voor het eerst op het ijs gelopen/gegleden, hij vond het erg leuk. Je weet het nog niet, maar er ligt in Nederland niet zo vaak ijs. Over een paar jaar wil Flo graag samen met jou over het ijs glijde, dus zet hem op!
He Loki, mom and dad,
Nou, nou, wat een heftig begin van 2009!. We hopen dat alles snel in rustiger vaarwater komt en dat jullie een mooi jaar tegemoet gaan. Ondertussen branden we wat kaarsjes voor jullie. Dat betekent dus: doorgaan!!! Binnenkort komt er een engeltje (Kyra)naar jullie toe. Als je haar ziet, Loki, weet ik zeker dat je snel naar huis wilt. Dus nog een paar weekjes slapen, vechten en .... eventjes geduld nog, dus.
Lieve groetjes van Willem en Edith:
Lieve Lijn, Jesse en Loki,
In onze gedachten en gebeden zijn we bij jullie!
Licht, kracht en sterkte gewenst.
Circe, Richard, Sosse, Meike en Jermo
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