Loki is recovering fairly well, and here I'll provide some details.
But first, Mom, Loki, and I send our enormous gratitude to all those who have provided words, actions, thoughts, and prayers of support. We never felt alone. And I imagine the positive vibes etc. helped Loki along.
Loki today is 2510 grams, up from 2470 yesterday. That is about his weight 4 or 5 days ago, but then it was artificially inflated by his fluid retention. In fact, on Sunday he was 2700 grams, which was 150 grams more than the previous day. Obviously, that wasn't right.
Loki was removed from the nasty ventilator last night. Unfortunately, the staff had tried earlier, but he wasn't yet ready. Thus he had the breathing tube pulled and put back in. He then went to nasal cannula, first at 4 liters per minute, then down to three. This evening, this was using regular air (21% oxygen). I suspect tomorrow he'll be at 2 L/min and 21%, which were his settings before this mess. It took him some time, but he's now recovered his voice, which he temporarily lost from the breathing tube.
Today, Loki began to receive breast milk again. He is now getting about half the amount as before (25 mL every 3 hours), and the other half of his calories from dextrose (sugar). Also, Mom was able to practice breast feeding with him again.
His electrolytes (especially sodium and potassium) are back in balance.
Mom will post tonight or tomorrow regarding her continued experience at CHO (Children's Hospital Oakland). I can say that she has raised a stink with a number of key staff members, including the head of nursing at the NICU. She is ruffling some feathers, but it is in the best interest of Loki and all the babies.
Also, Nurse Amber from Alta Bates visited, and was very happy to be able to hold Loki. He has quite a large fan club. I hope he feels or knows, now or later, just how much care is felt by how many people.
Simon’s 2019 Funnies
5 years ago
Lieve mom and dad,
Today Loki wieghs exactly the same as Flo did when he was born (after 40 weeks pregnancy), just funny to know. It's great to hear that Loki is recovering so quickly. Offcourse he made a step back, but it's not a big one and he will get there soon.
Mom, goed dat je van je laat horen daar in dat ziekenhuis. Juist in een ziekenhuis moet je kind de zorg krijgen die jij hem niet kan bieden, want daarvoor ben je daar. En als je dan andere dingen ziet is dat zo moeilijk. Ik vind het ook weer knap van je dat je ondanks je eigen emotie-achtbaan ook dit weer doet voor jullie drie. Je zal wel zeggen: ik moet wel, maar toch, ook vechten kost energie.
Ik realiseer me na je verhaal (net als Kyra) dat Loki laat zien dat hij zich goed hecht aan jullie en die belangrijke ander. Jullie kennen hem, ook al kunnen jullie niet 24 uur per dag samen zijn, al zo goed!
Succes vandaag, weer een nieuwe dag met nieuwe kansen voor iedereen.
Dikke kus Maaike
By standing up for you and your baby, your wife is making it better for those who feel they cannot so stand up to the "authorities," even if that is not her intent - and for that, I am grateful and thankful.
Also, something I was going to share at the blessing on Sunday but didn't, and now that Loki Sky is getting stronger once again: http://www.torah.org/features/firstperson/everythingablessing.html#
I'm not sharing it to be religious, as I myself am not very observant of my own religion, but because his "orifices and cavities" are no longer quite as blocked as over the weekend. May they stay open and flowing, much as the positive energy is flowing your way.
By standing up for you and your baby, your wife is making it better for those who feel they cannot so stand up to the "authorities," even if that is not her intent - and for that, I am grateful and thankful.
Also, something I was going to share at the blessing on Sunday but didn't, and now that Loki Sky is getting stronger once again: http://www.torah.org/features/firstperson/everythingablessing.html#
I'm not sharing it to be religious, as I myself am not very observant of my own religion, but because his "orifices and cavities" are no longer quite as blocked as over the weekend. May they stay open and flowing, much as the positive energy is flowing your way.
I'm sure Loki is pickiing up the energy being sent to him. And his environment must pick up something too of energies and words being spoken, thoughts unarticulated. All for the better care of all the babies. That's what we go for. Keep on going for it. Love Oma Heleen en Opa Frits Dr. :-)
What a great news this morning on my computer! Loki shows he is and will be so strong. The milk goes in, the breastfeeding started again and I hope mom and dad can practice their care-taking-skills soon.
I'm very proud of you my sister. You are able to stand up against automaticaly behaviour and also show respect for the staff. Even Loki does not get the perfect care he should have, you keep in mind that nurses are not "wrongwilling". (Is this an englisch word?)And all this in a heavy emotional, insecure period.
Dikke kus voor alle drie 1 XXX
dear Dad,
Thanks for still giving good reports on your hectic situation. You seem to be a good counterpart to Mom who takes care of the Lionness business. Your cub is doing great, given the circumstances and I don't mean to be rude and just look at the figures. For it must not feel all too great after all. I really hope this vital little baby of yours will be able to get into a more comfortable mode of growing. but isn't it amazing how well he does once again. Say hi to the good nurses for me, they mean a lot to you and it is very important that you receive so much loving attention of (almost) everyone!
what great news to wake up to! thanks much for the continued update. i am keeping loki in my thoughts. healing vibes are being sent your way!
love, courtney
Fijn om dit opbouwend en opbeurend nieuws te lezen. Enne, dat de moeder-waakhond is aangeslagen, wafwaf, lijkt me prima. (Ik had t wel willen zien, vermoed dat je zeer krachtig overkwam).
Loki heeft dat vast van zn mama (en ook van zn papa, hoor)...
Liefs en alle goeds,
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