About an hour ago, Loki went in for his nephrostomy. He should be out in another hour. I will try to post the results as soon as I can, but these often these situations make it difficult to break away with the computer.
When I get more time, I'll write more details. For now, I'll describe the one risk that may come up during surgery. The catheter (drainage tube) is inserted with a firm wire initially inside if it. Once the wire is removed, the tip of the tube coils like a pig's tail, allowing the tube to stay inside the kidney. Normally this allows the surgeon to try a couple pokes, if needed. Once it is in right, the wire is withdrawn and the tube coils. But Loki's kidney is so small that the part of the tube that coils, when it is straight before the wire is pulled, is longer than his kidney. Thus, he will put it in part way, and then withdraw the wire as he finishes pushing in the tube. This means he has only one shot to get it right.
More info, as it it, and I, are available.
Simon’s 2019 Funnies
5 years ago
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