Loki continues what seems to be a good recovery from the first surgery. His weight went back down to 2470 grams. But because he is probably still losing more fluid than he is taking in, that 40g of weight loss is not necessarily a loss of flesh weight. He is still producing quite a bit of urine, which has become increasingly clear.
Loki's nasal cannula is at 2 L/min and 21% oxygen, which is where he was before the incident and surgery. His milk feedings become greater each time, and at midnight tonight will be full: 50 mL milk and no more dextrose. For that reason, his PICC line will likely be removed soon.
Loki has completed the two antibiotics that he was receiving by IV, and is now getting amoxicillin - a very common antibiotic - with his milk, as a preventative measure.
The largest news today is that Loki had an eye exam, and his ROP (the common eye disease among preemies) is at stage 3 (out of 0 to 5), which is a bit worse than previously thought. He may have laser eye surgery soon.
Besides all this medical information, I can say that the little dude was a little cranky today. I don't blame him. He's been through so much.
We apologize for the lack of photos. Things have been nuts. We'll take the camera in tomorrow.
Simon’s 2019 Funnies
5 years ago
Who cares for photo's! Most important thing is - fo course - loki's condition. And that's improving. Frits
I just got a smile imagining little Loki with cute glasses on trying to read a book sooner than later.
Dear mom and dad,
You certainly don't need to apologize about the lack of pictures in this situation. We wish you a lot of strength, to get through all these difficulties. We wish you to become a normal family happily enjoying each other at home soon! Give little Loki a big hug from us all and many hugs to you too mom and dad! We wish we could be there for you!
Much love and many many good wishes,
Johan, Suzanna and Phileine
Lieve mensen,
I know photos don't matter, but they might help Loki understand later what his 'His'tory is. So take them for yourselves and him, as a photographic description of these houses, hospitals, beds, nurses and caretakers that have passed his little life, and your family's, too.
Oh, by the way, Maaike, wil je mij even e-mailen: info@bamboe.nl ??
I am sorry to hear about the development of the ROP. I hoped the extra oxygen at this stage would not do too much damage anymore. Hopefully surgery will help him. But the outlook of another surgery per se is of course scary. I am glad that Loki keeps improving. He IS strong - getting better fast in this environment that is not conducive to a speedy recovery.
Big hugs to all of you.
Hi you three,
Well Alta bates is not the same for me without you here! I am sorry to hear that Loki's ROP is a little bit worse hopefully it will improve, but if not the surgery will go just fine! I am glad he is doing better he looked great when I saw him!!! Miss you all a ton especially the little big guy. Hugs for Loki!!!
Nurse Amber
Glad to know to know the good news. We will have plenty of pictures later, please don't worry!! All that matters is that Loki is okay.
Love you,
A & J
Dear mom and dad,
I didn't want to stress you by mentioning pictures. In my head I visualize the 3 of you happy in your own house with no hussle anymore. Fingers crossed for Loki's eyes!
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