Today Loki was a little more grumpy than usual. He seems more gassy as well, so that may be an explanation. In fact, he is very skilled in passing gas. It is amazing how is tiny body can produce a pretty impressive odor and sound. The little guy is not aware of this skill and just cries and wiggles his little body to make it all happen.
We tried breastfeeding three times. The first two times he was able to latch on a few times, the last time he just wanted to cuddle up and sleep while being held. During one of his moments he cried with his mouth so wide open that I got a good look at the roof of his mouth. It looked interesting and initially a little bit worrisome. As the doctor explained; because of his intubation there is a groove in the roof of his mouth from where the ET tube pressed against the palate. If and how much this will impact his articulation is to be seen. I am not too worried as most of the issues that could come up can be addressed with speech therapy. Of all the issues our micro preemie can encounter, this one is not really scary.
As Amber and I were talking about the pros and cons of having Loki come into this world so very early, she made one of the sweetest and most touching comments. We agreed that one of the wonderful side effects is getting to know all these amazing people working at the NICU, or some great parents who also have their child admitted. Amber said that Loki makes her days so happy at work, and that no matter how little he is, he already has made a difference in the lives of some people (or something to that extent). That of course made my mommy heart fill with happiness and pride. And what can I say....... ? for us he has made the difference in the world. Our tiny yet chunky, feisty yet zen, smelly yet sweet dudy maludy!
Simon’s 2019 Funnies
5 years ago
Lieve Loki, dad and mom.
A few days away and we missed checking the blog. Loki, you did listen a little to me, je tante uit Nederland. I'm proud of you, trying to drink from mommies breast. Spoke to dad on the phone at newyears day and he told me mom was so tired and couldn't do anything on newyears-eve. I feel sorry for that. The both of you are such great parents! All the effort will be worth it, thats for sure but, all the hobbels en bobbeld are also hard to take sometimes. For 2009, lots of powerrr, strenght, love, patience.
Bog hug from us, Marieke en Martin
Iedere keer als ik lees over Loki, over de mogelijke gezondheidsproblemen in de toekomst, schiet ik in angstige en bezorgde gedachten. Dat beklemt mn hart dan ook. En tegelijk is er die onverwoestbare grote kracht van de liefde. Gewoon omdat hij er is. Omdat jullie er zijn. En dat maakt dan zo vol licht en vreugde!
Dat we op dat licht mogen vetrouwen!
Alle goeds, Circe
Happy New Year Lijn, Jessy and Loki. The best is yet to come! Pretty soon he will be home and life will feel somewhat normal again. Miss you Lijn, keeping a good thought for all of you. Deanne
Lief, lief, lief. natuurlijk!!
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