Thursday, February 19, 2009

At home, Day 2

It is time for bed in the in the larger household, so I will keep this brief. Loki at home has been easy for me, but that is largely because so many other people want to care for him. First is Mom, of course. Then Nana, my mom. Next is Kyra, Mom's good friend from the Old Country, who has been around for a couple days. I come in fourth, I think. (Although I have not asked the opinions of my cats.) Personally, I am not in a huge hurry to change diapers in the middle of the night. I will have plenty of opportunity to do so later.

Things are not completely smooth. Two things are causing some worry. First, Loki has digestive problems. He has had a difficult time eating, often having a fit after just a few slurps. He has also not pooped that much, and has gained a bit more weight than expected. Overnight, he did not sleep well, and was remarkably gassy. Second, and perhaps related to that, is his hernia is large and appears painful. I wish it could be repaired now, but the doctors wish to wait a few weeks, and fix it as they remove the stent from his ureter. We called and spoke with a nurse, and she told us not to worry. We had an visit from a home health nurse today, whoe - like the telephone nurse - said that the digestive issues were likely due to the change in environment. Tomorrow our first visit to a pediatrician, and we should get some more clarity then.

There is a long series of thanks to be given. I hope to remember it all. For now, thanks to you all, blog readers, friends, family, friends of family, family of friends, etc.; with your comments and emails of supports, and your offers of help. In tough times, clicking the link to "9 comments" was surprisingly helpful.


Anonymous said...

And like the rest of your devoted following I'm here for for you guys, lovely, beautiful family. Anything I can do to help call me anytime, from now to big boy days to come. Otherwise just thinking about you guys daily and waiting for peace and calm and consistent health. Much Love,

berkeleygal77 said...

And thanks to you for allowing us this forum to show our support/concern/love. I have learned some Dutch, too: kus, knuffles, hieperdepiep hoera, etc. Best of luck tomorrow with your new pediatrician!

marieke said...

Yeah, big changes for little dudie maludie. Can imagine his body reacts on that. It will be ok and also new borns loose weight the first days. Maybe this is the same because he is learning how to drink instead of having food pushed in his tummy? His looks are sooooo cute!!

And dad, no needs to change diapers in the middle of the night:-) I bet your turn will arrive soooooon!! Big hug also for Nana and Kyra and Erwin.
Hope we will met at the 7 of march nana!

X marieke

Anonymous said...

..en natuurlijk zijn wij even blij als iedereen dat jullie nu eindelijk thuis zijn met z'n drieën!
Probeer zo veel mogelijk te genieten van deze tijd, ook al is het wennen aan de nieuwe situatie in je eigen huis.
Lidy en Theo

Anonymous said...

lieve groet en felicitaties van Ge Seiger( uit de Instee) weet je nog, hij was laatst Kyra en Erwin op een fesst tegen gekomen.Wat een prachtige foto's gisteren, ik hoop dat jullie snel je draai vinden en dat Loki went aan een huis, hij kent alleen maar ziekenhuizen.
liefs en sterkte en groet voor nana en Jesse
kus van Greet

About Loki Sky

Loki Sky is a special little man. He was a very early micropreemie, weighing only 610 grams (1 lb, 5 oz) after 24 weeks, 3 days gestation, born to an American Father and a Dutch Mother in Berkeley, California on October 18, 2008.

On January 11, 2009, while still in the hospital NICU, his one kidney stopped working. It was repaired after three surgeries. After spending time in three hospitals in three cities, Loki came home on February 17. He struggled with eating, and then stopped in July, leading to 8 days in the hospital, a failure-to-thrive diagnosis, and a NG feeding tube. On October 10, a minor surgery installed a G feeding tube. Another procedure replaced it with a new one, and then again with a Mic-Key button in Jan. 2010.

In August 2010, he and his parents moved to the Netherlands.

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