Our little guy has officially entered the territory of fussy baby (diagnoses as such by his doctor, honestly). This is not his fault, let me be clear about that. He has a very hard time processing his feedings. As dad explained, this may be caused by the NeoSure he receives mixed in with the breast milk. However, he also may just be showing signs of what one calls a colicky baby. We are hoping for the first as the latter could mean many weeks or months of cramping, crying and sleepless nights. We will start a new fortifier ordered by the doctor, just in case NeoSure is the big monster in this case. Unfortunately Loki does need the extra calories as he is unable to gain weight just on the breast milk. This is not uncommon and I am sure soon enough most of his feeds will be straight from the breast. The good news, since yesterday I have been able to feed Loki more often and catch his alert moments, during which he usually gratefully gulps down a few mls of milk. I hope and expect his weight to go up pretty soon.
That said, it is beyond wonderful and amazing having Loki home after all these months in the hospital. He is as adorable as ever and in between cries and cramps he looks around with his clear big eyes, checking out his new environment, cracking a smile here and there.
I don't get anything done, other than hold, feed, change and comfort Loki, so apologies for all the unanswered emails and phone calls. I'm positive one day I will face the world around me again, say hi and be grateful you are all still there.
I have not yet extended our gratitude with regards to the Dutch Baby Shower, which was held before Kyra and Erwin came to visit. Kyra organized the gathering for several friends and family members in celebration of Loki Sky. She filmed the event, as well as messages from many more of our Dutchies. It was so wonderful seeing people leave their sweet messages for Loki and us on camera, and the gifts delivered for our little guy were very, very sweet as well. We received books, a rock of support, old sleep sack in which both my sister and I slept, many, many clothes among others a handmade outfit from Oma Edith (Muus and Lova's Oma) and handmade booties from Oma Greet (a special Oma from Amersfoort), as well as a description of how to massage our little guy. And ooooh does he love massages (just like his mommy I guess). Thank you all so much!!
Simon’s 2019 Funnies
5 years ago
I love what I'm reading, as it sounds like a 'normal' life with a newborn: A fussy baby and a mom who can't get around to anything in between constant feeding, changing, rocking, etc.
Of course I hope he will feel more comfortable on the new supplement, but for now I am sure everybody is very understanding of mom not being available for non-baby related things. Even easy babies don't leave room for much anything beside caring for them.
I hope Loki will have enough moments where he doesn't cry or fuss and you can enjoy blissful family life.
Hugs for all of you.
I'm sorry, but I had to chuckle at the "rock of support." Such a simple idea, but so symbolic too! For what it's worth I'm pretty much over my plague so when I'm 100% I'd love to visit and have been told I'm good at massages (for you more than the Dudy, but am equal opportunity...). -JM
Lieve Lijn,
Fijn om je verhaal te lezen. Een goede dag vandaag voor jullie (en morgen, en overmorgen en ...)
Groetjes van Circe
Lieve mom,
Het leven zal er voorlopig nog wel even zo uitzien, met weinig tijd voor andere dingen dan Loki. Aan de andere kant zul je ok wel snel merken dat er wel wat meer rust gaat komen. Maak je niet druk over ons. Wij blijven wel! Uit het oog is niet uit het hart gebleken, dus we kunnen we tegen een stootje! Richt jij je maar lekker op wat nu belangrijk is: je gezinnetje (wat klinkt dat he?)!
Groetjes Maaike
Dear mom and dad and loki-doki,
In a week we will see this big fighter and his ever dedicated parents. Looking so much forward to it! Untill that time, just feed, hold, comfort, change daipers, put some earplugs when neccesary(?). I will call mom to make an appointment ok?
Kus, marieke en martin
Ik vind het zo leuk om jullie blog te volgen dat we er zelf ook maar 1 begonnen zijn. Ik mis bij onze site met foto's de verhaaltjes. Het is zo leuk en fijn om de afstand die er is minder te voelen door zo'n blog. Nu kun je Flo zijn leven ook een beetje volgen. Kus Maaike
Fijn om te lezen dat je blij bent met de video en kado's. Als je toe bent aan een volgende beschrijving voor massage op de huid van Loki, dan hoor ik het graag, ik ga alvast een nieuwe schrijven. Het was heerlijk om het voor jullie te maken.
ik hoop dat het goed met je gaat en je niet al te moe bent, en weinig slaap en borstvoeding of kolven dat neemt veel van de moeder, pas goed opjezelf, fijn dat Nana er nog is en straks oma Heleen. veel liefs van Greet
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