The blood work came back and there is no indication of an infection at this point in time.
Overnight his Penrose drain needed to be drained/replaced (not sure how it works) many times. We are hoping that this is indeed urine coming out. Nevertheless, it is not enough for a healthy dosage of urine and none is coming out via the catheter. Although there is no clear plan yet, the nurse suspects Loki will need another surgery today to figure out what is causing this weird situation.
I called approximately every hour to check in and feel incredibly grateful and happy with the nurse who answered all my questions to the best of her knowledge. She clearly has been very dedicated to making Loki feel as good as possible and figuring out what is going on. Although I find it terribly difficult to be in this situation, I am very happy we are at UCSF at this point in time. The urology team is there readily available, and the nurses are very familiar with the types of drains and tubes Loki has (had). This makes quick action a little easier it seems.
Simon’s 2019 Funnies
5 years ago
Stay strong little dude!!! Lots of love coming from Luke, Sar, and Mitch.
Geen infectie, dat is dan goed nieuws. Maar weer een operatie is natuurlijk weer erg heftig voor zo'n klein mannetje. Ik denk aan jullie en hoop dat alles goed gaat.
Kus Maaike
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