Loki's surgery is now "confirmed" for Thursday at UCSF, with transport to San Francisco on Wednesday. After four or five days of recovery, he will (supposedly) return to Children's Hospital Oakland. I remain skeptical, though, of the schedule.
I have developed very minor flu symptoms, so I must stay away for a bit. That's very sad! But we must be very careful.
Simon’s 2019 Funnies
5 years ago
Will you be at the Divisdaero location, or Parnassus?
I don't know if there's pediatric inpatient care at the Mt. Zion/Divisadero campus. I was under the impression the main inpatient children's hospital is up the foggy hill on Parnassus. Fingers crossed it all goes well! I have the light flu too, wonder if it's making the rounds.
Hi All,
Sorry to hear your not feeling well Kat hope you feel better soon, missing Loki tons I will try and come by tomorrow and visit before his surgery! Sending my best for all of you!
We'll be at Parnassus
Dear dad,
I'm so sorry for you that you're not feeling healthy enough to be around your son as you wish. I hope you won't get sick, so you can be with mom and Loki on thursday. That will be a big day.
X Maaike
Lieve 3,
Heel veel succes and yes, in holland the fly flies erveywhere! Fotunately I wasn't sick for the last 1,5 years. Dad, keep healthy, mom also and my little babylokisky...I'll think of you every minute I can. Come on little guy!!!!
Lieve allemaal,
we denken veel aan jullie, leven dagelijks mee en donderdag doen we er nog een schepje bovenop...
Veel liefs,
Wopke en Judith
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