Sunday, February 15, 2009

Three bits of good news

Mom called from the hospital with this news:

* Today, Loki got an ultrasound of his kidney and urinary tract. The main bad symptom - hydronephrosis, in which the kidney becomes full of liquid - is gone.

* Loki's ultrasound yesterday was actually for his brain, to do one last check of the bleeding he had very early on. There is no evidence of any further bleeding.

* Loki may have actually done a full breast feeding.

Marching on towards Tuesday...


Anonymous said...

Hi little Loki,
Just wanted to say hello and happy valentines day!!! I am so happy that you are doing so well, way to go you little fighter! Just a few more days:) Miss you all and send you my thoughts and love!

Love Nurse Amber

berkeleygal77 said...

That would be an amazing Valentine's Day in anyone's book!

Anonymous said...

Go Loki Go! (The alta bates cheering squad)

~Nurse Rhea

Mascha said...

So wonderful to read these news. Happy Valentine's Day indeed.

Unknown said...

HI Lijn, Loki and Jesse:

It is so great to read all the good news!!!! Loki is a champion!

Please let me know if you need any help clean up your home. I know a wonderful lady that clean houses.
(It will be on me)..
Happy Valentine's day!
Love Gracy.

Anonymous said...

It is wonderful to hear all the good news. It fills my heart. I expect Kyra and Erwin to return here at some point. I hope they have had a good trip and will have a chance to have a visit with you. Please know that I think of you always - all of you!

Anonymous said...

This is what we like, more good news. You write it done quite simple, but it's actually great news for Loki's future.
I'm so happy that there was (is) this blog, so we know what's going on and had (have) the possibility to support you with our words. From NL we can't do much, but knowing we can give words was good for us to.
Waiting for Tuesday.....
X Maaike

marieke said...

Hieperdepiep hoera! Everybody keep on crossing fingers because the evidence is there it gives Loki strength to come home. Isn't it amazing how strong this little dude is? And a full breast feeding, mom here your dedication has a huge result! A new born baby, 4 months old, with a heavy history is coming home. mom and dad you can show off with him to us, wij lenen ons daar wel voor, no problem! Dikke kus en a hug for nana. XX Marieke

fransje melief said...

WOW, I am so happy to hear this good news! It makes sense when you see how well he looks in all the photos. Hope to see you all soon :-) Fransje.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful news--it is going to get better qne better. And once he realizes that if he sticks with the breast, he gets that nice creamy end milk if he persists, he will suck suck suck--before you know it, you will be wondering how you will ever get him to STOP nursing because he is such a big boy! These ordinary little problems will always be extra sweet for you and Jesse, I suspect, given the EXTRA-ordinary first few months of Loki's life. Well done, all of you. Please call me when you are up for a visitor--I promise to come covered with antibacterial soap--but I would really LOVE to meet this incredible little spirit.

Unknown said...

All sounds really great from Mom. Sounds like Little Loki is finally ready to go home. If all goes well, I'll see you tomorrow. Love...nana

Anonymous said...

How wonderful that Loki comes home!
Tuesday will be your good news day.
In the philosophy of Buddhism it is ssid that you choose your own parents. And Loki did!
He fought so hard to stay with you and he was right!!
The most wonderful parents of the world, of course he wants to stay with them.He felt that his life would be wortwhile in your arms, he felt the warmth and the love you gave him in the past difficult months and you will give him at home! Enjoy very much your big step outside the hospital, dear little Loki and you Mom and Dad enjoy your little son at home.You have longed such a long time to have him closer to you!!!
I do wish you a very happy tuesday and the days after.
A postcard for you will be in the post tomorrow from Amsterdam to Berkeley It will take a while before you get it.
Kus voor jullie en knuf voor Loki van Karin (Ansterdam)
Oma Heleen heeft heel mooi gezongen in het Requiem van Verdi, ik was erbij.

Anonymous said...

Woohoo! SUCH wonderful news! I'm so excited for you all as a family!

I'm looking forward to you both continuing the blog even at home!

Love and best wishes,

Jennifer B.

Anonymous said...

Lieve alle 3,
Wat valt er aan dit alles nog toe te voegen, hè? Eindelijk is het dan zo ver: Loki ligt vanaf overmorgen in zijn eigen bedje onder een Hollands boerinnetjes lakentje! Drinkt gewoon lekker bij zijn moeder! Krijst de boel bij elkaar als het hem niet bevalt. En zo hoort het ook! Wat een mijlpaal jongens - als er ooit reden tot dankbaarheid was dan is dat nu. Dat het toch weer goed kwam op al die angstige momenten waarop het mis leek te gaan en het toch weer goed kwam, voor de hulp die er toch altijd weer kwam als het nodig was. Voor dat wonder van een klein jongetje dat vast besloten bleek te zijn om het op deze wereld te gaan maken. Hoera voor Loki!
Have a nice homecomming day!!
Veel liefs,
oma Heleen en opa Frits

PS Lijn, heb je mijn mail gekregen?

Janet said...

Happy First Valentine's Day, Loki!
You look "schattig en lief" in your most recent photos. I'm very proud of you for doing so well at UCSF. Way to go, Mr. Feisty!
Knuffels to grow on from,
Nurse Janet

Anonymous said...

go loki, go! you're so strong and doign us all proud. love you. courtney

Janet said...

Welkom Thuis, inderdaad! Way to go everyone. I"m so happy that you are finally all home together as a family.
And a very happy four month birthday to Mr Loki-Doki.
Knuffels and kussen,
Nurse Janet

About Loki Sky

Loki Sky is a special little man. He was a very early micropreemie, weighing only 610 grams (1 lb, 5 oz) after 24 weeks, 3 days gestation, born to an American Father and a Dutch Mother in Berkeley, California on October 18, 2008.

On January 11, 2009, while still in the hospital NICU, his one kidney stopped working. It was repaired after three surgeries. After spending time in three hospitals in three cities, Loki came home on February 17. He struggled with eating, and then stopped in July, leading to 8 days in the hospital, a failure-to-thrive diagnosis, and a NG feeding tube. On October 10, a minor surgery installed a G feeding tube. Another procedure replaced it with a new one, and then again with a Mic-Key button in Jan. 2010.

In August 2010, he and his parents moved to the Netherlands.

Read about his first name.
Read & hear about his middle name.
See photos.
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