During Loki's second full day at home, Mom and I took him to two doctors. First was his pediatrician, a general doctor for children. It was mostly a conversation for the doctor - who was very friendly and engaged - to get to know our situation. He reinforced what I already knew: That Loki is doing remarkably well, considering that he started so early and so small. There are plenty of things to worry about, of course, and the road ahead remains difficult and unclear. But I am grateful for how far he has come.
The second was an eye doctor. This examination is one of the most unpleasant for Loki, and I could tolerate being in the room during it. But the doctor said that he "didn't really see anything" in terms of ROP. He was in a hurry, and I am not sure what this means in terms of official stages of ROP. Regardless, this is quite encouraging.
At home, we continue to get to know Loki. His digestive problems yesterday seem to be partly due to a new environment, partly due to the antibiotics which he takes, and partly normal. We are also learning Loki's rhythms. He sleeps well in the early night, but after 2 AM or so, he is restless.
We've been too busy to take photos and video. We'll try to do so tomorrow.
Today I wish to thank my employers and coworkers. Without their flexibility, my adventure with fatherhood and Loki would be much more difficult.
Simon’s 2019 Funnies
5 years ago
It sounds like Loki is doing some typical baby things like waking you up at 2am. That is very encouraging and I am happy/proud that he is doing that.
Tja, naast alle extra problemen is Loki natuurlijk een pasgeboren manneke, die zijn eigen dingetjes heeft, zoals wakker worden midden in de nacht. Jullie moeten met elkaar nu een ritme gaan opbouwen. Dat kost tijd, energie, tranen, maar levert ook veel gelukkige momenten. En van die gelukkige momenten zullen er nog vele volgen.
Dikke kus, Maaike
Lieve allemaal,
Hartelijke groeten vanuit de 'nichtendag' vanuit Leiden. Bijeen zijn : Oma Heleen, Tante Loes, Tante Lidy en Tante Judith. We kletsen elkaar de oren van het hoofd en natuurlijk hebben we heel veel foto's en filmpjes bekeken van jullie gezinsleven.
Wat is Loki in die vier maanden gegroeid!!
Liefs en groeten van de nichten!
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